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icon | piggy bank with pound sign
Free software & free upgrades
icon | graduation cap for education
Free installer training with CDVI Academy
icon | arrow pointing right indicating integration
Off-the-shelf and custom integrations
icon | locked padlock
Instant lockdown for emergency protocols
icon | desktop computer
Simple and easy to use interface
icon | cctv camera
Optional CCTV and ANPR interfaces
ATRIUM software | wall of ATRIUM access control boards mounted on the wall in secure metal boxes

Why choose ATRIUM?

ATRIUM is an online access control system that is designed to be easy to install and simple to operate. The accompanying software allows you to manage up to 10,000 doors across multiple sites, all from one unified platform.

Users can be granted or denied access as individuals, groups, or based on their roles. Doors are organised into areas to simplify the configuration process. If there are two doors to enter the same room, they are grouped together as an area. No need to grant a user permission to every door individually – if a whole floor is an area, then just a few clicks will allow them to enter every door in that area.

icon | door ajar
Up to 500 doors
icon | person or user
Up to 10,000 users
icon | cogs gears
Up to 1000 access levels
icon | clock
Up to 250 schedules
icon | car vehicle
Up to 100 holidays
icon | arrows pointing up and down
Up to 256 floors
ATRIUM software | A closeup of hands typing on a laptop keyboard overlaid with a graphic representing cyber security

Customise your ATRIUM solution

ATRIUM is a highly flexible system that allows you to build the right solution for your customers. Integrate with intruder alarms, elevators, CCTV and ANPR cameras, and biometrics to meet the needs of each project.

From single-door systems to 500-door multi-site projects, integration is at the heart of the ATRIUM system.

For more information on integration or technical support with installing integrated systems, contact our Technical Support team.

ATRIUM software | training with CDVI Academy for installers

Free installer training with CDVI Academy

Training at CDVI Academy is free, friendly, and safe. Either join us at our dedicated facility in High Wycombe, or we'll come to you - whatever's easiest! Our hands-on sessions cover everything you'll need to install, configure, and train administrators on the ATRIUM system.