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Creating safe and secure environments requires a combination of in-depth research and smart security measures. One of the theories that has emerged from the research in this field is the “Broken Window Theory”. In this blog, we’ll look at how this theory can be used alongside access control systems and electro-magnetic locks. If you understand the theory and choose appropriate products, you’re well on the way to creating the conditions for a safe neighbourhood.

The Broken Window Theory and its relevance to security

Safety and security are top priorities in most neighbourhoods. Theories like the Broken Window theory have become increasingly important for creating harmonious places to live. The Broken Window Theory was introduced by James Q Wilson and George L Kelling in 1982. It aims to highlight how small neglected problems can lead to increased crime if they are not addressed.

The term “broken windows” references the idea that if a building has a window broken and it is not quickly repaired, it’s a signal that nobody is caring for the building. If it is visible and obvious that nobody is keeping an eye on the premises, it can inspire criminal activity and further neglect.

Broken window theory | Intruder breaking into a house

Installers can use the Broken Windows Theory to improve the safety security of neighbourhoods. Solutions such as robust magnetic locks and smart access control systems like ATRIUM are a vital part of this. These products act as a preventative measure by deterring and protecting against potential intruders. Meanwhile, residents can come and go as they please, safely and securely.

ATRIUM by CDVI: secure access control

ATRIUM is a user-friendly access control system that uses advanced technology to ensure maximum security. As an intuitive plug-n-play system, ATRIUM serves buildings of up to 500 doors and 10,000 users. All data is stored locally on a built-in web server. Implementing ATRIUM means you can effectively monitor your buildings and restrict access only to authorised people.

Maglocks: breach protection & a barrier to crime

Preventing intrusion is a key factor in creating safe environments. This is where breach protection with electro-magnetic locks comes into play. Unauthorised people will find it much more difficult to falsely gain entry to a door secured with maglocks. This locking solution creates a reliable barrier to protect your premises. If you prevent breaches that could result in minor problems such as graffiti or littering, you’re sending clear signals that the building is carefully monitored and regularly maintained.

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